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Normalement c’est le temp de l’année où on aurais ouvert nos portes aux petits et aux grands. L’année passée on a même eu d’la grande visite de et ses amis!! C’était magique.
On adore partager notre petite ferme avec vous en plus d’être transparent sur nos façons de faire les choses, et d’apprendre aux petits comme les grands toutes choses sur la production du manger et des textiles (terre a assiette/peau). On espère pouvoir un jour encore vous recevoir chez nous. Peut-être même avoir d’autres concerts de grange!
En attendant... On a planifier des portes ouvertes en ligne! Envoyez-nous toutes vos questions et on répondra tout comme on peut! Vous pouvez nous écrire ci-bas ou mémé nous envoyer un courriel à ou envoyer-nous un vidéo question sur notre page Facebook!

Coconut et ananas se sont fait tondre samedi passé nos vidéos pour voir comme ça c’est passer. Check out our videos for coconut’s first haircut! Although it isn’t quite as soft as Alpaca, Llama fibre can be used to make yarn. It just contains more guard hairs that need to be removed (as much as possible) from the soft undercoat. We use our llamas as guardians for our sheep so their fibre isn’t as important as their job but nice to have! Ananas turns out is a shedding llama so we might not be Sheering her yearly anymore, since it’s really not her favorite. She was very relieved afterwards however especially with the heat we are having this year! The fibre was sent to @longwayhomestead and I can’t wait to see what the yarn will look like, especially coconut’s baby hair. #llamasofinstagram #nollamadrama #llamahaircut #criaofinstagram #criallamas #llamayarn #llamafibre

Spring + Baby legs
#lambsofinstagram #farmkids #letthembelittle #springkids #thefacelessproject #springonthefarm

I’ve been posting too many lambs and our other little are wondering why they aren’t the center of attention anymore! Cria (baby llama) Coconut and our little human baby wearing knits by my maman, grown from our sheep, spun locally 😍
Bonnet : #saffranpixie by @docksjo
Jumper: #ptibloomer @oomieknits

Quand ton ti frère fait des oreilles de lapin en arrière (ou équivalant)... Just to cute to be bothered by a little brother in the back (swipe for close up) #lambsofinstagram #lambingseason #sheep #rideauarcott

Don’t mind me, while I steal all the lamb snuggles...💕 #lambsofinstagram #agneaux #rideauarcott #shetlandsheep

Joyeuse journée de la terre, happy earth day! On a profiter d’une journée un peu plus lente avec l’agnellage de la belle température pour en faire une promenade dans nos bois aujourd’hui suivant les sentiers des chevreuils et apprendre toutes sortes de choses au sujet de notre terre. It’s so important to us to teach our children how to respect the land. As farmers we strive everyday to do better and work with nature not against it. We’re still learning how to do this best but this is our path. #earthday2020 #earthdayeveryday #journeedelaterre

Officially in lamb land. As of today we sit at 19 lambs from 8 ewes... I will be saving all the 2020 lamb stories so you can watch when you want 💕 This is Panda’s lamb, a Rideau Arcott Romney cross. #lambsofinstagram #lambingseason #sheep #rideauarcottsheep #romneysheep

Chicken mug ftw... also my feet keep getting confused. Put away the Sorel boots and keep the Muck out? Or keep the Sorels out who knows anymore! #funnyspring #chickensofinstagram #sorelboots #muckboots #farmfootwear #chickenmug #fluffybutts

Busy day on the farm yesterday Sheering our flock! At the Same time since we are handling them we also vaccinated them and trimmed all the feet (full hair cut mani-pedi day!) to minimize stress. They get handled for maybe 10 min each and then that’s it! Free to go and have treats we lay out for them after. I’m so very thankful for our friends and family who came out to help, brought food, helped hold sheep, help skirt fleeces, watch, learn and be moral support. Love you all so very much and it really does take a community to get it all done (so much more fun too!) Could not have asked for a better #internationalwomensday surrounded by such amazing strong women that I love. #boss #farmher #shepherdess #sheshears

Printemps arrive! Les poules sont de retours à pondre et j’adore!
Time change tomorrow morning 3am #springforward #springchicken #springmelt #springiscoming

Just some lovely locally spun yarn hanging out on a tree on a sunny march morning after being dyed with roots and little bugs. Nature is amazing and I love how it allows me to create ❤️🔥
#naturallybeautiful #naturalyarn #naturalwool #naturaldye #naturalcolor #singlesourceyarn #rideauarcottyarn

It’s been a busy few months and I haves neglected this space! Le @fdvoyageur prend une grande portion de mon temp et de mon cœur en hiver. In the winter here in Manitoba we have a Festival du Voyageur that celebrates our Francophone and Métis roots and culture, it is such huge part of me that even some of the Farm crew decided they felt the need to celebrate! Clockwise from the top left : Kato our flock gaurdian, Mia the kitten mice eating machine, Panda the original ewe and Coconut llama cria who was quite suspicious of the sash! Now things are starting to calm down a little, So much to catch up on farm-wise!